CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol, which is a naturally occurring compound found on the flower of the hemp plant. These naturally occurring compounds are also known as phytocannabinoids. CBD has important therapeutic benefits, without the intoxicating effects of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, which is found in high amounts in marijuana.

It’s a common misconception that hemp and marijuana are two different species of plant. They are the same plant, they’re just two different names for cannabis. Hemp is classified as having under 0.3% THC while marijuana has over 0.3% THC and can get you "high". THC content can vary among cannabis plants. Some strains are bred to be higher in THC than others.
Hemp contains only trace amounts of THC, so consuming it won’t give you a high or a feeling of paranoia. CBD (Cannabinoid) is derived from hemp. It is a chemical compound found inside of the cannabis plant. Our products are made from CBD that was extracted from locally grown hemp .
The human body contains a naturally occurring, self-regulating system of receptors, CB1 and CB2, called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). All humans and mammals have an endocannabinoid system.
Let's look at the word "endocannabinoid." "Cannabinoid" comes from "cannabis," and "endo" is short for "endogenous," which means that it is produced naturally inside of your body. So "endocannabinoid" simply means cannabis-like substances that naturally occur inside us.
Like other cannabinoids, CBD works by interacting with receptors found throughout the body—in our organs, connective tissues, glands, immune cells, and brain. It is able to do this because it closely resembles chemicals that the body creates naturally.
The endocannabinoid system is something that we share with every other vertebrate on the planet. The system’s receptors perform different functions depending on their location in the body. Endocannabinoids can be found mediating the balance of individual cells in the body, governing the body’s response to an injury, and impacting mood and emotions.
The type of CBD used can impacts effectiveness. These products can be classified as either full spectrum or isolate .
Full spectrum CBD products contain a range of other compounds that are found in the cannabis plant. These include other cannabinoids as well as compounds called terpenes. . Research indicates that terpenes may also have medicinal properties, including helping with mood and other brain functions. Researchers have described a phenomenon known as the entourage effect in full-spectrum products. With the entourage effect, the interactions between the cannabinoids and terpenes in full-spectrum CBD products may result in increased benefits compared to CBD alone.
It should be noted that regular use of full spectrum CBD can increase the chances of failing a drug test. This is because a trace amount of THC (not enough to get you high- Under the legal 0.3% THC) is present in full spectrum blends. Over time, it can build up in your body, causing a false positive for marijuana use. If you are a THC user it is best recommended to use full spectrum products as they are more likely to provide you better results.
Isolate is pure CBD, with no other cannabinoids or terpenes. A benefit of CBD isolate is that it will not put you in danger of failing a drug test, since zero THC is present in CBD isolate. Isolate may be good route to start if you are new to CBD.
There are more than 50 medical conditions that may be helped by CBD, but most people—and even some doctors—are not familiar with all of the potential applications due to lack of scientific research . While CBD research is a new field, there are some medical conditions for which CBD has already been studied extensively. CBD is currently not FDA approved, much like most of the vitamins and supplements that you may already be taking .
Some researchers think that CBD interacts with a core component of the ECS — endocannabinoid receptors in your brain and immune system.
Receptors are tiny proteins attached to your cells. They receive signals, mostly chemical ones, from different stimuli and help your cells respond.
This response creates anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects that help with pain management. This means that CBD oil and other products may benefit people with chronic pain, such as chronic back pain.
One 2018 review assessed how well CBD works to relieve chronic pain. The review looked at studies conducted between 1975 and March 2018. These studies examined various types of pain, including:
cancer pain
Based on these studies, researchers concluded that CBD was effective in overall pain management and didn’t cause negative side effects.
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues affecting American adults. Unfortunately, many people who suffer from anxiety disorders do not seek treatment. CBD shows great potential for the treatment of social anxiety, situational anxiety, and depression associated with anxiety.
In one study, researchers gave CBD oil or a placebo to people with social anxiety, and then asked them to give a public speech. The group that received the CBD experienced significantly less anxiety—measured by both self-reporting and physical metrics like blood pressure —than the placebo group.
In a later study, scientists used functional neuroimaging to measure blood flow to the regions of the brain that are associated with anxiety. Again, the results showed a significant drop in anxiety compared to the placebo group.
CBD (along with THC) has been recognized for some time as a palliative tool for those suffering from cancer. It can be used to help with pain management, and can make cancer patients more comfortable while they are in treatment. New research, however, has indicated that it has the potential to be more effective against cancer than previously thought.
CBD may act directly against cancer in two different ways: Studies suggest that it is both anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic. This means that it stops cancer from growing, and also kills tumor cells. It also acts to prevent cancer cells from spreading to different parts of the body. It does this without damaging healthy cells in the body, making it a possible game changer in cancer research.
Research on mice has shown that CBD can lead to the shrinking of cancerous tumors. However, most studies in humans have investigated the role of CBD in managing pain related to cancer and cancer treatment.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI)Trusted Source has pointed to CBD as a possible option for reducing chemotherapy side effects, such as:
lack of appetite
It is important to know that CBD is not recognized as a miracle drug that can cure cancer. Please speak to your doctor before incorporating CBD into your daily regimen.
Dr. Orrin Devinsky, a professor of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine and director of NYU Langone's Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, led studies, with grant support from GW Pharmaceuticals, that bolstered FDA approval of the CBD drug.
"The approval of Epidiolex or cannabidiol is a landmark in medicine," Devinsky says. "A plant that has been used medicinally for probably well over 5,000 years has finally had one compound extracted from it and now is available to patients. It's the first time such a medication, based on a cannabis plant, has been approved and scientifically established to be an effective treatment in the United States."
Part CBD's novelty is that it affects the nervous system through a different route than other antiepileptic drugs. Although CBD's action is still not fully understood, Devinsky says, "We do understand some of the ways in which it helps control seizures (by working) on a receptor system that no other drug touches."
Receptors on the surface of every nerve cell receive messages from chemicals produced within the body, called neurotransmitters. Seizures can occur as specific receptors, called the GPR55 receptors, are stimulated and lose their inhibition, Devinsky explains. "Unfortunately, when a seizure occurs, it leads to an increase of these receptors on nerve cells," he says. "So it's a perfect storm of a positive feedback loop."
Cannabidiol blocks GPR55 receptors. Therefore, Devinsky says, "For the patients for whom this receptor is probably relevant in their epilepsy, CBD can be a very effective drug." source US News Health
In addition to these conditions, preclinical studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD could be effective for a number of other ailments, including:
Antibiotic-resistant infections
Cardiovascular Disease
Neurological ailments
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sleep disorders
Period pain and menstrual cramps
Acne & Skin Issues
CBD offers overall wellness support for your dog. Because dogs and humans are similar in physiology, CBD affects bodily systems in many of the same ways. CBD may offer several benefits, including supporting a sense of calm, helping manage signs of daily stress, and complement their regular wellness routine. Every dog is different, of course, and results may vary.
As of 2018, all 50 states have officially federally legalized the use of hemp-based CBD products. But the complication arises when we talk about state legality .